Screen last updated on: December 2016 |
City or town school is located in: |
Chicago Heights |
Population of city/town: |
30,423 |
Nearest major city: |
Chicago |
Distance of nearest major city: |
25 miles |
Population of nearest major city: |
2,718,782 |
Institution offers housing: |
no |
School has a library on campus: |
yes |
Additional services offered: |
nonremedial tutoring, day care |
Student activities: |
student government, student newspaper, radio station, television station |
Other student organizations, musical groups, activities, and committees: |
Band, choral groups, dance, drama, music theatre, symphony orchestra |
School has an athletic program: |
yes |
Athletic conference memberships: |
Sports offered |
Scholarships? |
Athletic Assoc. |
Men's baseball | no | |
Men's basketball | no | |
Men's cross-country | no | |
Men's soccer | no | |
Men's tennis | no | |
Women's basketball | no | |
Women's cheerleading | no | |
Women's cross-country | no | |
Women's soccer | no | |
Women's softball | no | |
Women's volleyball | no | |
Nearest international airport: |
Chicago |
Nearest passenger train service: |
Chicago |
Nearest passenger bus service: |
Chicago |
Institutional employment is available: |
yes |
Off-campus employment opportunities for undergraduates are: |
good |
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