Screen last updated on: December 2016 |
Campus size: |
460 acres |
City or town school is located in: |
Lethbridge, Alberta |
Population of city/town: |
94,804 |
Locations of branch/satellite campuses: |
Branch campuses in Calgary and Edmonton. |
Nearest major city: |
Calgary, Alberta |
Distance of nearest major city: |
140 miles |
Population of nearest major city: |
1,230,915 |
Online campus map: | |
Institution offers housing: |
yes |
Campus housing available to all unmarried students regardless of year: |
yes |
Housing types (% in housing type, if given): |
- coed dorms
- single-student apartments
- married-student apartments
- special housing for disabled students
- other housing including Family housing.
Percent of freshmen who live in school housing: |
3% |
Percent of students who live in school housing: |
6% |
Percent of students who live off campus: |
94% |
Student conduct policies: |
class attendance policies set by individual instructors, hazing prohibited |
Alcohol is permitted on campus to students of legal age: |
yes |
Every student is required to lease or own a computer: |
no |
Every student is required to take a computer course: |
no |
Computer equipment is provided in: |
residence halls, library, computer center/lab(s), student center |
Other computer facilities/services: |
Computer kiosks. |
Internet access provided to all students: |
yes |
E-mail services/accounts provided to all students: |
yes |
School has a library on campus: |
yes |
Museums and other special academic buildings/equipment on campus: |
Art gallery, personal studios, finance trading room; addictions, curriculum, and simulation labs. |
Remedial learning services: |
writing, study skills |
Additional services offered: |
nonremedial tutoring, health service, women's center, day care, health insurance, Academic/native student advising. Resident/student life programming. |
Counseling services: |
career, personal, academic, psychological |
Career placement services: |
co-op education, internships, on-campus job interviews, resumé assistance, alumni services, interview training |
Services for students with disabilities: |
note-taking services, tape recorders, tutors, reader services, interpreters for hearing-impaired, special transportation, adaptive equipment, braille services |
Amount of campus that is accessible to physically handicapped: |
fully |
Number of social fraternities on campus: |
2 |
Number of social sororities on campus: |
1 |
Student activities: |
student government, student newspaper, radio station |
School newspaper(s): |
The Meliorist, published weekly |
Total number of registered organizations: |
84 |
Campus-based religious organizations: |
Many religious groups |
Minority student organizations: |
Many minority groups |
International student organizations: |
International Student Association |
Public transportation serves campus: |
yes |
Nearest international airport: |
Calgary, Alberta (140 miles) |
Nearest other airport: |
Lethbridge, Alberta (10 miles) |
Nearest passenger bus service: |
Lethbridge, Alberta |
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